
Manor Pharmacy

Book our services online

With our convenient online platform, we offer a range of services to ensure you receive the care you deserve. Whether you're seeking professional advice, in need of urgent assistance, or looking to improve your overall health, Manor Pharmacy is here for you every step of the way.

Choose one of the services below and book online in a few easy steps. Once your booking is confirmed we will contact you with the necessary information. For online consultations, you will receive an online meeting invitation link with the time and date of your booking.

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Our Services

We offer a number of services to suit your needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1Can I speak to a real-life pharmacist?
Yes, you should always take your medication at the time recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.
2Does it really matter what time of day I take my medication?
Yes, you should always take your medication at the time recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.
3How long does it take to receive my medication?
As soon as we receive your prescription from your doctors, we will dispense it immediately. Delivery usually takes between 2 to 5 days.
4Will a pharmacist assess my risk form?
Absolutely, we will always assess your risk assessment forms before distributing medication. If it is not suitable for you, we will be in touch.
5Can I do my blood sample at home?
Yes, all blood tests are home test kits and can be done at home.
6How long will it take to get my prescription?
Please call us to place your order, allowing at least 3 to 5 working days to get your medicine.